ZINE: Gwarth Ar Y Teulu


Mae zine newydd o’r enw GWARTH AR Y TEULU wedi mynd i’r printers ag yn barod i gael ei rhyddhau wythnos nesaf! Mae’n bosib rhag-archebu y zine heddiw, gan fod hi yn Ddydd Gwener Bandcamp, ble mae Bandcamp yn stopio codi ffioedd ar artisiaid ac labeli.

Zine am siom a cywilydd yn y byd Cymraeg ydi Gwarth Ar Y Teulu - gofod i’r pobl sydd ddim yn ffitio mewn i herio ac rantio am y pethau sy’n neud nhw deimlo’n flin...….sud fedra ni disgwyl chwyldro, os mae pawb mor blydi cwrtais? Dyma zine gan y misfits, y cwiars, y dosbarth gweithiol ag y radical… Mae’r zine yn 36 tudalen wedi printio mewn lliw, mae’r clawr wedi ei ddylunio gan Twinkle & Gloom, artist o Ogledd Cymru..

Os ydych methu afforddio pris y zine, ond eisiau copi, plis ebostiwch recordiauafiach@gmail.com a nawni neud siwr fod chi’n cael un! Dylia arian ddim fod yn rwystr rhag cael access i stwff fel hyn!

A new zine compiled by Afiach called GWARTH AR Y TEULU (Disgrace on the Family) has gone to the printers and will be arriving next week. It’s possible to pre-order the zine today as it’s #BandcampFriday, when Bandcamp waive their fees for artists and labels.

The zine includes a lot of Welsh-language content, but also some in English and a lot of art. However if you don’t speak Welsh there is a lot of content you won’t be able to read – we still think it’s worth getting one if you’re interested in Welsh music and art! The zine is loosely about shame, it’s a space for people who don’t fit in to tease and rant about the things that make them angry… how can we expect a revolution when everyone is so fucking polite? This is a zine by the misfits, quuers, working class and radical… It’s 36 pages, printed in full colour. The cover is printed by Twinkle & Gloom, a North Wales artist.

If you can’t afford the price of the zine, but you’d like a copy, please email recordiauafiach@gmail.com and we’ll make sure you get one! Money shouldn’t be an obstacle to accessing stuff like this!

Cynnwys / Content


- Twinkle & Gloom
(& cyfweliad / & interview, in Welsh)

- Patje Cariad

- Efa B-M

- Jacqueline Janine Jones

- Glittasphyxia

- Elen Mai Wyn-Jones

- ZlyZab (& pwt o sgwennu / & rant in English)

- Yr artist Sara Rhoslyn yn ysgrifennu am celf/hunaniaeth Cymraeg
[The artist Sara Rhoslyn writing about art/welsh identity, mostly in English.]

- Erthygl ‘Lladd Y Gwryw Gormesol er mwyn y Gymru Chwyldroadol’, sydd yn edrych am ysbrydoliaeth o’r Mudiad Rhyddid Cwrdaidd.
[Welsh language article about what Wales can learn from Kurdish activists, English translation available online]

- Cerdd gan Rowen Jones @wedi_blin0
Poem by Rowen Jones [mostly in English, some Welsh words]

- Cyfeweliad efo Eädyth & Izzy, gan Boodikah
Interview with Eädyth & Izzy, by Boodikah [in English]

- Erthygl am Lumpen + Classwork Project [in Welsh]

- Lyrics Efa Supertramp [in Welsh]

- Cyfweliad gyda Ufferndaith, band newydd metal Cymraeg o Ferthyr Tudfil
[Welsh-language interview with Ufferndaith, a new metal band from Merthyr Tudfil]

- Whatsapp Voice Note Rants gan merch dosbarth gweithiol sydd yn ffed up. [rant about class in Welsh]

- The Self Pitying Narrative of a Alkoholik Bitch, ysgrifennu o’r ysbytu. [rants from hospital, mostly in Welsh]

- Cyfweliad efo Cerys Hafana [Interview with Cerys Hafana, in Welsh]

+ chydig mwy o gyfraniadau di-enw / and some more anonymous submissions!

ships out within 5 days

  £4 GBP or more 


More merch from AFIACH

  1. Gwarth #1 + #2

    £7 GBP

  2. ZINE: Gwarth ar y Teulu #2

    £4 GBP

  3. Taking Up Space (2017)

    £5 GBP

  4. Give Me Space Zine (2016)

    £5 GBP

  5. Don't Lose Your Voice: Vocal Care Zine by Efa Supertramp

    £3 GBP

  6. Apocalipstick Blues – Efa Supertramp - Apocalipstick Blues (TOD 082) 2nd Edition - pink cassette/yellow case
    Efa Supertramp


    £6 GBP

  7. All My Friends Are Freedom Fighters / Prosecco Punx – 7" PINK VINYL
    Efa Supertramp


    £6.50 GBP

  8. Apocalipstick Blues – PRE-ORDER: Apocalipstick Blues CD
    Efa Supertramp

    Compact Disc (CD)

    £10 GBP


    £5 GBP

  10. ZINE: Knitting + Screaming - A Tribute to Elen Mai Wyn Jones [Dead Bitch!]

    £1 GBP

  11. Efa Supertramp - Apocalipstick Blues Tshirt [Designed by Bad Diva]


    £10 GBP

  12. Efa Supertramp - Rhyddid yw y Freuddwyd – ON SALE: Rhyddid yw y Freuddwyd CD
    Efa Supertramp

    Compact Disc (CD)

    Sold Out

  13. Apocalipstick Blues – BANDCAMP FRIDAY BUNDLE: Efa Supertramp Apocalipstick Blues CD + 7" Pink Vinyl
    Efa Supertramp

    Compact Disc (CD)

    Sold Out

  14. ON SALE: Efa Supertramp No Sweat Tee - Welsh Riot Grrrl Design by OneSlutRiot


    Sold Out

  15. Afiach T-Shirt


    Sold Out

  16. ABERGAZ - Minimalizam Megalomanije [CASSETTE]

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  17. ON SALE: Efa Supertramp Hoodies!


    Sold Out

  18. Stick And Poke // Hledání [CASSETTE]

    Sold Out

  19. Apocalipstick Blues – PRE-ORDER: Limited Edition Pink Cassette [Tape or Die #82]
    Efa Supertramp


    Sold Out

  20. If It Was Easy, They Wouldn't Call It A Struggle – If It Was Easy, They Wouldn't Call It A Struggle

    Compact Disc (CD)

    £3 GBP

  21. RAFFLE TICKET - Competition to win a one-off lathe cut Efa Supertramp 10" clear vinyl [Fundraiser for SOS Team Kladuša]


    Sold Out

  22. Killdren - Kill Tory Scum T-shirt


    Sold Out

  23. Killdren - Overkill in Underrated / Disguise the Limit CD

    £10 GBP

  24. Efa Supertramp T-Shirt


    Sold Out

  25. Stop the G8 - Mae'n Fucking Afiach! – Stop the G8 - Mae'n Fucking Afiach! (Benefit CD for Stop G8 South Wales)

    Compact Disc (CD)

    Sold Out

  26. Trapped in the Game – Radio Rhydd - Trapped in the Game CD
    Radio Rhydd

    Compact Disc (CD)

    Sold Out

  27. Cymru aFiACH – Cymru Afiach

    Compact Disc (CD)

    Sold Out